Jeremy W Pope Peter Pan (2003) Movie Version (W/ Jeremy Sumpter)?

Peter Pan (2003) Movie Version (W/ Jeremy Sumpter)? - jeremy w pope

I know this is completely random, but if you like this movie?

When I was young I always loved to grow the story of the adventures of Peter Pan, not fighting the sword with.
And I saw the film in 2003 and was the wind. I was 10 years. I am almost 17 and still do not see this movie. Idk why. It is simply a timeless film. The director really did a very good job in maintaining this property to the film to the book. The messages not visible in the other versions are so amazing. I know it's strange that I am almost 17 and I'm still on the film, but I can not help myself. Whenever I have questions and teenage drama and shit, I pop in the DVD. haha.

My real question: Why are most watched this movie. It was incredible and had a huge budget and has been highly publicized. I can see it in stores on DVD $ 5.99. What's the deal? Why can not people like this movie?


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