Monster Energy Ear Rings Energy Drinks, Why The Big "gotta Be A Hyper-drunk" Hoopla?

Energy drinks, why the big "gotta be a hyper-drunk" hoopla? - monster energy ear rings

I work in a liquor store. Many of the vodka, tequela or Jgermeister and disruption of Monster or Red Bull These people remind me Rolly Polls (woodlice or armadillos). Roll into the shop to drink the race and tell them one or two cases of energy drinks. After leaving an hour later, go back and repeat. It seems obvious drunk, but they are high-profile as someone who is only 10 or 20 anphetamines. Or, how they behave, if you drink a pint of vodka and prepared a set of 64 ounces can of coffee. What is shocking to me is that he is quickly spoken, and all nervous, but in reality is beyond poisoned to be rational. I fear that thousands of people drink this energy drink and other things in my car home from work. Dr.Ive so wrecklessly. Do not use turn signals. They do not care about the rules of the road. They also have a blue tooth in his ear, a spokesman obblivious crossing the RR tracks down. Are you sure?


miniz198... said...

Not at all! Energy drinks and alcohol is a dangerous combination.

lilredhe... said...

Besides the safety issues that I agree with you, they have great damage to the existence of the organization. I'm not saying I do not drink, but the mixture of amphetamines (energy drinks) with Downer (vodka, etc.) is cardiac death.

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