My Blood Pressure Monitor Detected An Irregular Heartbeat Can Sinus Tachycardia Cause My Digital Omron Blood Pressure Monitor To Pick Up Irregular Heartbeat?

Can sinus tachycardia cause my digital Omron blood pressure monitor to pick up irregular heartbeat? - my blood pressure monitor detected an irregular heartbeat

First, I went through an electrocardiogram and a stress test Echocardiagram to slightly more than a month. Catch was I had to use a heart monitor for a month, then see if I recognize the rhythm of the questions I have sometimes caused a rapid heartbeat. I have just the results of a little over a week. I said, all the above tests came back great, his heart was strong and healthy. They told me that I was not a problem with the rhythm of my heart, but he had so-called sinus tachycardia, where the pace is normal, but I beat a little faster than normal. My heart doctor said it was not fatal or anything like that. Anyway, I bought myself a new monitor blood pressure yesterday .. one of these Panasonic also detects irregular heartbeat. I took a few steps yesterday and today, only a few. Irregular heartbeat was discovered only once for reading. I wonder whether a sinus tachycardia .. could cause the monitor to record an irregular heartbeat? Thank you:)


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